Weight: 9.2kg
Size: 465x395x225mm
Product Features
1. Dissecting a cadaver
2. Detect the body temperature
3. Glass corpse thermometer: scale 0.1℃, range 10℃~40℃
4. Electronic corpse thermometer: scale 0.1℃, range -10℃~100℃
5. Collection and preservation of various cadaver tissue samples
6. Collect body fingerprints
7. The clean surgical instruments are fixed in the stainless steel "surgical instrument storage tray".
8. Put the used instruments into the stainless steel "surgical instrument cleaning box" for cleaning.
9. The deodorant inhibitor of corpse can effectively suppress the odor of corpse.
10. The skull fixation frame can fix the skull and is convenient to open the skull with a bone saw.
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